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Ann Evans (Biros) n. avant 1918 d. avril 1949

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Clan Evans
Sexe féminin
Identité complète Ann Evans
Autres éléments d'identification Biros


1918 mariage: Phillip Mike Biros/Beros [Biros] n. 7 mai 1894 d. 21 septembre 1976

avant 1918 naissance:

avril 1949 décès:

Notes et références

  1. P. Biros. - The Times Press. Wednesday 22 September 1976. Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA.

des grands-parents aux petits-enfants

== 1 ==
Phillip Mike Biros/Beros
naissance: 7 mai 1894, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
profession ou fonction: Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA, Farmer.
religion: Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA, Member of St. Paul's Catholic Church.
niveau d'études: 15 avril 1910, Able to read and write. Able to speak English.
profession ou fonction: 15 avril 1910, None (Student).
domicile: 15 avril 1910, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., 1007 First Street
domicile: 1912 - 1916, Livingston County (Illinois), Illinois, USA.
domicile: 1917, Sunbury Township (Livingston County Illinois), USA, Blackstone, Rented 320 acre farm from Silas Thompson.
domicile: 5 juin 1917, Sunbury Township (Livingston County Illinois), USA, Route 2, Blackstone
profession ou fonction: 5 juin 1917, Sunbury Township (Livingston County Illinois), USA, Route 2, Blackstone, Self employed as farmer. Supported Father & Mother.
mariage: Ann Evans (Biros)
domicile: 30 janvier 1935, Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA, At time of father's death.
domicile: 24 août 1938, Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA, At time of mother's death.
mariage: Caroline ? (Zogg, Biros) , Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA
décès: 21 septembre 1976, Pontiac (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA., St. James Hospital, 11:30AM.
inhumation: 22 septembre 1976, Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA, Watson Funeral Home, 3:00PM to 9:00PM Visitation held. 8:00PM Rosary recited.
inhumation: 23 septembre 1976, Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA, St. Paul's Catholic Church, 10:00AM Funeral services held. Officiated by Rev. Robert Tilles.
inhumation: 23 septembre 1976, Odell (Illinois), Livingston County (Illinois), USA, St. Paul's Cemetery
Ann Evans (Biros)
mariage: Phillip Mike Biros/Beros
naissance: avant 1918
décès: avril 1949
== 1 ==

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